Friday, May 6, 2011

Fiesta and birthday

on our way to Mis Occ.

I'll definitely gain weight in this Mindanao stay. Right after Opol beach, we just took a shower then headed to Salay, Misamis Occidental to have dinner with Ton's relatives. Look at the food! This is just the night before the fiesta or festival! Can't imagine how much food they will be serving on the festival day per se. Haha!

On our way back to CDO, almost everyone slept in the car. We're all tired from the beach esp me who stayed and swam the longest under the sun.

When we got back, almost everyone slept already while Ton and I sneaked out to buy a surprise birthday cake for Yuan. It was past 11pm when we left his house and luckily, Kathyrn Bakeshop sold us a cake even if they were about to close already. Haha!

sleepy birthday boy

top from Universal Studios Singapore, striped shorts from Forever 21

 People here love to eat and we love eating with them! Haha!