Saturday, January 26, 2013

Barn Birthday Bash

Happy 1st birthday to my honey's god-daughter, Aeris! :)

Went straight to LB after lunch to attend the barn-thermed birthday of Aeris. The last time I was in LB was 7 months ago with my sisses. I still love LB way back when we were in college than it is today.

yummy goodies! 

my ever playful honeybunch 

with honey's highschool batchmates 

my honey is a cowboy
let's just say I am a snake who eats farm animals, hahaha! 


Even if I spend days with this guy, I still miss him the every second that we part

It was nice meeting Carole, Rudden's best friend and Aeris's mom.
It was nice seeing college batchmates.
It was nice being back in our college campus, how I wish we can spend more time in to reminisce and explore, maybe on Feb Fair. :)